Mindvalley Ticket Requests

These are all the request forms for Mindvalley's Business Team.
Choose your ticket request form below.

Tech Team Icon

Creative Services

Creative Services

For all creative services: copy, graphic design, video filming, and editing.

Tech Team Icon

Brand, Design and Technology

Web & Storyblok Support

For new launches, page revamps, help with A/B tests or support with Storyblok.

Marketing Team Icon

Marketing Team

Email Marketing

All requests for blasting an email, having journeys QAed, set up, and all other email requests.

Marketing Technology

For logged in states, MV Home, MV App, product analytics, platform marketing, CRM/Lifecycle and engagement.

Adding Script

Do you want to implement a new tool that requires implementing a script onto our pages?


Do you want to optimize the speed of a URL, Index a URL, Keyword Research, SEO research, Blogs, or review meta titles?


Any requests for data, analyses, tests or other from the Advertising team

Social Media

If you have any request or proposal for a post on Mindvalley's or Vishen's social media, please request your idea here.

Other Request Form Icon

Other Request Form

Training Request Form

Did you do any trainings or session that you recorded that you would like to add to the training overview ? Submit it here.

Piracy Form

Have you seen someone taking our content, masterclass, quests and pirating it for cheaper or free online? Report it here.

Translation Form

Do you have any request for translating anything from English to Spanish, Italian, German, French, Portuguese or Russian?

Broadcast and Interpretation Services Form

For all services regarding broadcast support or real-time translation (live interpretation) for online events.

Frequently Asked Questions

I couldn’t find the type of request I need

I’ve submitted a request. What should I do next?

Who is the Direct Responsible for each form? Who can I reach out to for help on a request?

What if I need to update the information for my request?